-Useful links-

💻 SwissHacks web: https://www.swisshacks.com/

📩 Application form: https://airtable.com/app61tk91vkuwKhGx/pagCN29Br8RdxTvp7/form

✍️ Agenda:  https://www.swisshacks.com/#Agenda

- Media Kit Summary-

1 Event Summary & Quotes

2 Logos

3 Hero visuals

4 Flyer: visual + text

5 One pager: visual + text

6 Boilerplates

7 Contact information

8 Social Media Posts

Event Summary & Quotes

<aside> 👉 *FIND, the new Swiss Financial Innovation Desk, announce the launch of its flagship event “SwissHacks”, a fintech-focused hackathon powered by Tenity. FIND aims to concierge and hatch financial innovation and consolidate Switzerland's leadership in the global financial arena by having the smartest minds solve real-world issues within 48 hours and link prototype solutions with corporates and investors.*
